NIS2 Directive Readiness

Strengthened cyber security legislation is coming into force in the EU, following the adoption of the Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive in January 2023. Take the first step to making sure NIS2 is an opportunity and not a risk to your organization.

NIS2 Directive builds on the EU’s existing NIS directive and requires Member States to enact stricter cyber security regulation backed by tougher enforcement.

For operators of critical industrial infrastructure, the legislation presents an opportunity to assess capabilities and operations against strengthened cyber security requirements. But for organizations that haven’t upgraded their cyber capabilities, it’s also a wake-up call on the need to act to better address cyber security threats to their infrastructure, and to make sure that their operations comply with the NIS2 legislation.

The new NIS2 Directive is all about regulation and enforcement but also represents opportunity to future-proof OT and IT cyber security. Explore what the NIS2 legislation means for industrial companies in Europe.

March 16, Jalal Bouhdada, Segment Director Cyber Security in DNV and Founder of Applied Risk summarized in a webinar the scope and requirements of NIS2 and shared suggestion how to prepare for compliance following three key steps to cyber-secure operational and information technologies (OT/IT).

NIS2: What the EU’s Directive mean for cyber risk management and how to get ready to comply