11000 +


100000 +


90 %



港口通關可能存在挑戰,並且耗費時間。複雜且各有不同的法規和港口文書將帶來長達數小時的工作量,寧可把這些時間用於到其他流程。您需要的僅是一個智慧助手:Navigator Port。

只需在Navigator Port上輕點滑鼠輕輕點擊幾下,您就可以創建用於發送的數位文書。再點擊滑鼠,你可以瞭解船員的工作和休息時間。合規變得前所未有地簡單。而這只是冰山一角,Navigator Port能提供的遠不止此。

歡迎來到智慧可靠的港口通關之家——歡迎使用DNV的Navigator Port。

Vishnu Ravendranathan - Navigator Port


  • Vishnu Ravendranathan ,
  • 產品經理,原海事官員 ,
  • DNV

為什麼要用Navigator Port?

  Management of port and crew papers made easy

Management of port and crew papers made easy

Your smart assistant automatically fills out thousands of port clearance forms and electronically reports to authorities. The software enables the compliance documentation you need, including crew certificates. ​

  Secure e-logging vessel operations

Secure e-logging vessel operations

Navigator Port is built on future-proof technology, ensuring security and predictability for the latest and upcoming requirements.

  API: Full IT integration at all times

API: Full IT integration at all times

You're covered today and tomorrow: Navigator Port provides API integration with any available IT system.

See all benefits