
性能改进是指 DNV 可支持您的可再生能源工厂以最高效率和可用性运行,从而达到最佳性能。


对于这一挑战,我们通过可再生能源性能改进服务为您提供支持。我们会利用您的风电场记录的所有数据,包括我们的工具中的 SCADA 数据、服务记录以及故障分析。通过故障探测和诊断,确定风机的运行状况,并在需要任何优化时采取相关措施。在发现问题时,我们还可针对优化程序为您提供建议。


Related information

Have a look at our brochure, video and related services.


Leveraging the power of digitalization: How digital twins can improve asset optimization

Do you want to explore the capabilities and opportunities offered by digital twins to improve wind farm optimization?


Increasing the value of wind assets by extending their life

Do you know how life extension can enhance the value of your wind assets? Watch the on-demand video now.


How to get value from wind turbine failures

What is the potential value you can obtain from wind turbine failures? Watch the on-demand video now.


Wind farm control: Why and how to get value

Are you aware of the potential of wind farm control technology to deliver a significant increase in the annual energy yield of new or existing assets? Watch the on-demand video now.


Asset management brochure

Download the Asset management brochure for more information.


Smarter Operations

Smarter Operations means the delivery of technical services for safe and effective asset operation – applying an integrated approach to boost revenue and reduce costs. Learn more here.


Renewables Asset management

Smarter renewables operation management helps maximize energy production, minimize downtime and reduce operating and maintenance costs.


Wind turbine Inspections

Independent, objective inspections of onshore and offshore wind turbines keep all stakeholders in the picture.


WindGEMINI digital twin for wind turbine operations

WindGEMINI online digital twin gives you 24/7 access to advanced wind turbine condition and performance analytics, enabling you to make informed wind operation decisions.