
DNV 的控制室服务可让您全天候监督和控制从现场访问到快速紧急响应的一切活动




  • 性能分析
  • 实时监测
  • 针对购电商的预测
  • 运行和维护

没有放之四海而皆准的方案。在 DNV,我们技术娴熟的专家会与客户密切合作,共同打造符合其具体需求的灵活、定制的解决方案。他们可从我们全面的产品系列中挑选合适的工具和服务,创建真正适合其配置的定制解决方案。目前,我们的控制室只能处理欧洲、中东和非洲地区的资产,但我们正在努力向全球市场扩张。

Related information

Have a look at our brochure, video and related services.

  Smarter Operations video

Smarter Operations video

Watch our Smarter Operations brochure to discover more information about DNV's Asset Management service offering.

  Smarter Operations brochure

Smarter Operations brochure

Download a copy of the Smarter Operations brochure for more information about DNV's Asset Management service offering.

  Asset management brochure

Asset management brochure

Download the asset management brochure for more information.

  Smarter Operations

Smarter Operations

Smarter Operations means the delivery of technical services for safe and effective asset operation – applying an integrated approach to boost revenue and reduce costs. Learn more here.


Wind turbine inspections

Independent, objective inspections of onshore and offshore wind turbines keep all stakeholders in the picture.


GreenPowerMonitor, leading renewable monitoring and data management solutions

We offer a market-leading integrated solution set for the management and maintenance of renewable energy installations that includes hardware/firmware, software and services unmatched in the industry.


WindGEMINI digital twin for wind turbine operations

WindGEMINI online digital twin gives you 24/7 access to advanced wind turbine condition and performance analytics, enabling you to make informed wind operation decisions.