

电网规范正变得越来越严格。对低电压穿越 (LVRT/UVRT) 和谐波的要求日益严苛,使风机合规难上加难。因此,随着风能市场的增长,从电能质量的角度来检验和描述风机的表现变得越发重要。


我们和所有相关技术团体以及原始设备制造商 (OEM) 一道,对风机进行一系列测试,探索它在各种各样的情形下如何表现。我们依照许多国际准则进行测试,包括 FGW TR3、IEC 61400-21、IEEE 1453、519、VDE 4105 和 TSO 要求。完成测试后,我们将把这些综合的电能质量测量结果写进报告,让您能够:

  • 确认某个组件是否符合具体电网规范
  • 了解并改善组件性能
  • 描述其性能特征以便进行潮流/并网研究
  • 发现并减少与谐波、风机脱网等相关的问题
  • 执行过电压穿越测试、保护继电器测试和调试测试

在电能质量测试方面,DNV 是享誉全球的知名品牌并深受信赖。因此,不管是您、您的客户还是其他利益相关方,都可完全信赖我们交给您的结果。


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Remote sensing for wind energy

Independent lidar and sodar expertise and turnkey services in on- and offshore wind for all your remote sensing needs, from resource assessments to power curve measurements and performance monitoring.


Wind turbine warranty and verification testing

Comprehensive in-field warranty and verification testing ensures onshore wind turbines deliver optimal performance in any location.


Wind turbine noise measurements

Proven noise modelling and measurements for onshore wind farms help you meet environmental regulations and minimize project risks.


Grid code compliance for renewable power projects

DNV advises on grid codes and interconnection compliance based on up to date, region-specific technical and regulatory knowledge.


Wind turbine type testing

Independent expert wind turbine type testing services verifies turbine performance bringing peace of mind for all stakeholders.