




欧盟(EU)于2018年4月23日提出了新的提高船舶安全性的电子标签标准。船舶设备制造商可以使用电子标签,并将获得更好地保护免受假冒,以及可以为他们的客户提供额外的功能,如库存控制。新标准利用RFID(射频识别)和数据矩阵格式。详情见Implementing Regulations (EU) 2018/414 和 (EU) 2018/608


  • 救生设备(SOLAS III)
  • 海上防污设备(MARPOL)
  • 防火设备(SOLAS II-2)
  • 导航设备(SOLAS V)
  • 无线电通信设备(SOLAS IV)
  • 《1972年海上避碰规则》---设备
  • SOLASII-1---设备



  • 认可过程快捷、高效,省时省钱
  • 专设的MED专家团队提供指导和支持
  • 享有盛誉的DNV认证助您赢得客户的信任和信心
  • 有了符合MED所有要求的认证证明,将有机会进入欧洲航运市场

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MED directive/amendments


Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2014/90/EU

Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 2014/90/EU, repealing directive 96/98/EC with effect from 18th September 2016


6. Implementing regulation (EU) 2022/1157 Applicable from 2022-08-15

Indicating design, construction and performance requirements and testing standards for marine equipment. For further details please see our Technical and Regulatory News.


Richtlinie über Schiffsausrüstung (MED) 2014/90/EU

Richtlinie über Schiffsausrüstung (MED) 2014/90/EU, hebt die Richtlinie 96/98/EG mit Wirkung vom 18. September 2016 auf


5. Implementing regulation (EU) 2021/1158 Applicable from 2021-08-25

For further details please see TECHNICAL AND REGULATORY NEWS No. 15/2021


Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/608

Laying down technical criteria for electronic tags for marine equipment


4. Implementing regulation (EU) 2020/1170 Applicable from 2020-09-01

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Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/414

Identifying the specific items of marine equipment which can benefit from electronic tagging


Certification guidelines for MED

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Related links


The ‘Blue Guide’ on the implementation of EU product rules 2022

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EMSA MED website

Visit the website


Information to Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA's)

Visit the USCG website


IMO Recognized Fire Test Laboratories

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DNV's UK marine equipment certification service

Visit the website


Marine Equipment-Questions and Answers (Wheel mark, EU DoC, Validity of EC certificates and more)

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