船舶供应链采购管理软件 - ShipManager Procurement

Maritime software system supporting purchasing departments

Procurement software

ShipManager Procurement is the maritime software system that supports purchasing departments and allows you to save cost, reduce sourcing time, gain overview of quotations, reduce transaction processing time, work more efficiently and prevent over-ordering or running out of stock.

Shipping procurement

  • ShipManager Procurement is a system designed for intensive use by procurement departments
  • Fast processing of procurement data
  • High usability
  • Interactive and flexible fleetwide management reporting via optional ShipManager Analyzer

Purchasing software for shipping companies

A fleet of vessels purchases millions of USD in spares, stores, services, lubes, etc. Quotation management and optimal supplier selection is vital for increased profitability. ShipManager Procurement supports and optimizes the entire procurement process.

With our procurement software you can

  • Purchase any type of goods and services for vessels, including spares, stores, repair services, lubes, paints, provisions, etc
  • Issue and process requisitions created by ShipManager Technical 
  • Perform requests for quotations, compare quotations and initiate purchase orders
  • Prepare templates for recurring large orders
  • Track the complete supply chain via warehouses and agents until final delivery
  • Manage supplier contacts, contracts and supplier performance assessments
  • Integrate standard catalogues in addition to vessel-specific spares or company-specific stores, lubes or service catalogues
  • Interface e-commerce platforms such as ShipServ
  • Keep complete stock control for inventory management, including value of items in stock and history of additions and removals
  • Track budget consumption per cost account/cost centre based on actual invoices and issued purchase orders
  • Monitor consumption of for example paints, chemicals, lubes
  • Manage redeliveries for items returned 


  Maritime software 手册

Maritime software 手册

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  Maritime software overview flier

Maritime software overview flier

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Support services for ShipManager and Navigator

Product support for ShipManager and Navigator



Frequently asked questions - ShipManager








ShipManager 技术培训


