


A robust and sustainable solar energy industry is enabled by solar power plants achieving their anticipated return on investment. Continual evaluation and improvement of energy assessment methods helps lower the levelized cost of energy by providing a technical means to reduce commercial risks, which will better enable the growing investments anticipated in solar plants. Comparisons of pre-construction energy assessments to observed project performance enable DNV to validate its energy assessment methods, identify any differences between actual and predicted performance, reconcile differences, and to identify areas for future improvement.
DNV has compared the actual and predicted energy production for 39 solar projects, representing a total installed capacity of 1.2 GW based on 72 project-years of production data. Five project-years of production data were excluded due to exceptionally low availability, high curtailment, or prolonged operational issues, resulting in 67 project-years in the validation dataset. The results of this validation are reported here.
Solar Risk Assessment 2019
Are you interested in our other white paper Solar Risk Aassessment 2019? Download it here:
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