Commercializing with confidence
Floating offshore wind is opening up new possibilities for wind power locations, but faces challenges. DNV has the expertise to help this important emerging technology commercialize with confidence.
迈入能源转型的新阶段需要坚定地采用新技术。 漂浮式海上风电技术为风机机位选择开启了新的可能,并将在向更清洁的能源过渡的过程中发挥关键作用,为海上风电的增长做出巨大贡献。 DNV预计该技术将在全球范围内得到推广,其目前的装机量大约为 100 MW,到 2030 年和 2050 年,将分别达到超过 10 GW 和 250 GW的装机量。
继第一批样机和示范项目成功之后,浮式海上风电如今迈出了商业化的第一步。 据估计,如果此技术能够克服两大挑战——成本和信心,那么到 2030 年和 2050 年,平准化度电成本 (LCOE) 将分别下降到 75 美元/MWh 和 40 美元/MWh。 面对来自未知领海、许多新概念设计和市场参与者的挑战,该行业需要确保采取所有可行的措施,最大限度降低风险,提高项目成功的几率。
DNV 提供数字化工具和指导来开发安全、可靠且具有成本竞争力的项目,从而推动浮式海上风电的商业化。 借助我们的行业标准、全球覆盖和 150 年的海上技术风险管理经验,我们可让利益相关方充满信心地在世界各地实施新型浮式海上风电技术。
The myth that floating offshore wind doesn’t perform as well as bottom-fixed is on its way to being busted.
Attract financing by reducing and managing risk
Early stage de-risking considerations for the future
Learn how you can apply the latest features in Sesam
DNV has released the first integrated rule set for floating offshore wind structures
Innovative concept allows for a rated power of 15 MW.
DNV’s comprehensive certification delivers maximum floating offshore wind stakeholder confidence
Technical due diligence supports draws on DNV global leadership in floating wind technology.
The introduction of floating offshore wind could cut emissions from the oil fields by more than 200,000 tonnes per year.
Technical Due Diligence helped secure EUR 60 million from the European Investment Bank to become world’s first project-financed floating wind farm
The documents can be applied for the design and certification of floating wind farms, floating wind turbines or their components.
Floating offshore wind is opening up new possibilities for wind power locations, but faces challenges. DNV has the expertise to help this important emerging technology commercialize with confidence.