ILF Consulting Engineering

ILF enters new area with Safeti

ILF chose Safeti for QRA

When ILF Consulting Engineers were looking to expand into the area of Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) they did extensive research to find the most suitable software available. They chose DNV's Safeti software.

ILF Consulting Engineers has been performing QRAs over more than a decade for their oil and gas projects. Especially for crosscountry transmission pipelines including their related facilities, ILF is fast becoming a leader in Quantitative Risk Analysis. Their increasing expertise in this area has coincided with their use of Safeti for QRAs.

Dr Urban Neunert, technical safety expert with ILF, says the company decided in 2010 to do increased in-house QRAs, instead of using external suppliers. As QRA is essential for the oil and gas projects that ILF works on, it was important to use the best software. “I was searching for a software solution,” says Dr Neunert. “We tested other software, and attended training courses of software providers. After several months, we decided on Safeti,” he says.

New business area

This choice has enabled ILF to actually enter a new business area: providing independent QRAs for oil and gas transmission pipelines on behalf of external customers.

“Not many companies do this for cross-country pipelines,” says Dr Neunert. “We have a lot of know-how in this area now and we are becoming specialists.”

ILF works internationally and has more than 30 local offices across the globe. Dr Neunert is working at the ILF main office in Munich. His responsibilities are in the fields of risk analysis and process safety.

He says that the benefit of performing QRAs in-house are many. “We have a better understanding of our projects in terms of safety and risks. We have achieved a more effective and efficient way to include risk mitigation measures in early design stages, and we’re also able to make project risks and process safety more visible to our clients.”

ILF Consulting Engineers offer their clients comprehensive engineering and consulting services throughout the project cycle. Since its early days when ILF was primarily involved in design services, the company has continuously extended its scope of activities. Today, ILF renders all design and consulting services required for the development and realization of complex industrial and infrastructure projects.

The wide capabilities of Safeti fit with the needs of ILF. The new modelling capabilities for dispersion of CO2 are additionally important for ILF.

Why we chose DNV:

  • Best validated software
  • New models for dispersion of CO2
  • User-friendly
  • Flexible, specific and powerful

This is what we gained:

  • Can perform QRA more easily and in more fields
  • Opened up a new business area using Safeti
  • Better understanding of project risks and process safety

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