Facilitating Offshore Wind in India

The study demonstrates the commercial and technical feasibility of the offshore wind market In India.

The objective of this four-year European Union (EU), GPCL and ReNew Power co-funded project was to provide feasibility studies, knowledge sharing workshops/seminars and offshore wind measurement to support India in their development of a commercial offshore wind market. India is the fourth largest onshore wind market (in terms of MWs) globally and has an ambitious 175 GW target of renewable capacity installed by 2022 including 60 GW from onshore wind. The Government of India actively supports offshore wind and plans to issue the first “Expression of Interest” for 1 GW in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu this year.

The consortium led by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) is implementing the Facilitating Offshore Wind in India (FOWIND) project. The project seeks to establish structural collaboration and knowledge sharing between the EU and India on offshore wind technology, policy and regulation and serve as a platform for promoting offshore wind research and development activities. The project focuses on the states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu for identification of potential zones for development through preliminary resource and feasibility assessments for future offshore wind developments, as well as through techno-commercial analysis and preliminary resource assessment. The project consists of a total of seven work packages.

DNV authored these technical reports and presented key technical sessions during the Conclave. The project focused on the states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu to identify potential zones of development through preliminary resource and feasibility assessments for future offshore wind developments, as well as through techno-commercial analysis and preliminary resource assessment. FOWIND’s offshore LIDAR was commissioned in Gujarat on 2 November 2017 and is continuing to collect valuable on-site data. As the projects technical partner, DNV has fruitfully leveraged its offshore wind and local market expertise from international teams, including India (Bangalore), UK, Singapore, Canada, USA and Australia. These capabilities have facilitated the delivery of technically rigorous milestone reports. Concept designs and outline project costings were performed using DNV’s levelised cost of energy (LCOE) design tool, Turbine.Architect.

The aim of the latest feasibility reports was to provide a concept design for a 150 to 504 MW demonstration project in both Gujarat’s and Tamil Nadu’s most promising offshore wind development areas. These were identified as “zone A” in the pre-feasibility studies. This provides companies and government institutions with a starting point for future detailed offshore front end engineering design (FEED) studies and assists with the identification of key project risks in the states of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.

Download the FOWIND publications below.