Altera Infrastructure’s Journey to Enhanced Risk Management with Synergi Life

Delivering a comprehensive solution for Altera’s risk challenges

The challenge

Altera is a long-time Synergi Life customer and first started looking for a risk management solution in 1998. The company was originally using a series of spreadsheets to track risks and needed a platform to help collect all risk data in one place to improve control over the overall asset risk. Since Synergi Life was purpose-built to manage risks in the oil and gas industry, Altera was eager to adopt the software.  

The solution 

Incident management was the first challenge that Altera identified as something that Synergi Life could help them with in 1998. After the geographic expansion of the solution to additional locations, the team began using the Audit Management module to support internal audits in 2016. The interactive audit process helped the team plan, approve, verify, and control all required tasks for internal audits. In 2020, Altera introduced Risk Management to support risk reduction and help prevent any future incidents.  


The HSE team at Altera has come to rely on Synergi Life for much more than just their Health and Safety data. “It’s become a one-stop shop for all of our activities,” says Bjørn Åge Bergsjordet, Senior Technical Safety Engineer. “We use Synergi Life to manage our risks and incidents, but we also use it to support the actions needed to improve risk management.” Processes including reviews, safety campaigns, permit-to-work reviews and experience transfer are all managed in Synergi Life. “We add the needed actions, connect related cases, and assign the actions to the responsible people. We use it for both on and offshore activities and it provides a great tool to help us actively monitor the overall risk picture,“ says Bergsjordet. 

Synergi Life has also contributed to employees being more aligned and connected, allowing both onshore and offshore teams to share the same overview of the risks and know where accountability lies.  

Next steps 

The team recently added the Cyber Security module. “We’ve introduced Synergi Life to our IT department. They were looking for better control over their cyber risks and a way to monitor their overall risk picture,” says Bergsjordet. The team previously used Excel sheets but has started registering all cyber risks in Synergi Life, including any necessary follow-up actions. 

The HSE team is hoping to automate the lessons learned from incidents and risks. Today, experience transfer is done via reports and PowerPoint, but the goal is to incorporate this into Synergi Life as well, so that all images, texts and actions can be included for each case and automate as much as possible.  

Altera Infrastructure - team

About Altera Infrastructure

AItera Infrastructure is an international company operating a diversified fleet of offshore and onshore assets. The company provides integrated solutions to the oil and gas industry and specializes in offshore production, storage and transportation of oil and gas, as well as the operation and maintenance of offshore facilities. 

The organization serves major energy companies, national oil companies, and independent offshore operators worldwide and its services encompass the entire lifecycle of offshore oil and gas projects, from development and production to decommissioning. 

Altera Infrastructure maintain a strong safety culture and environmental stewardship, complying with industry regulations and standards while actively working to minimize the environmental impact of its actions. 


Customer name: Altera Infrastructure


Market: Global

Employees: 2,300

Users: 300+

Product: Incident Management, Quality Management, Inspection Management, Permit and Deviation Management, Audit Management, Risk Management 

Brief account 

Why we chose Synergi Life: 

  • Comprehensive solution that supports risk reduction and help prevent any future incidents. 
  • Robust software that can handle the risks and challenges faced in the oil and gas industry. 
  • Flexibility to expand the software with additional features to meet new organizational demands. 

This is what we gained: 

  • Improved collaboration and communication across all teams, both onshore and offshore. 
  • Centralized all risk data in one place allows for improved control over the overall asset risk. 
  • The ability to maintain reliable data to support the measures needed to improve risk management. 

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