Synergi Gas - Facilities Management

Synchronize your gas distribution network models with GIS updates

Facilities Management

The Facilities Management Module is a software tool that allows you to synchronize your gas distribution network models with GIS updates without rebuilding your model and losing valuable hydraulic data. You can review changes spatially and selectively accept or reject individual or groups of changes to merge into the model.

What you get

  • Flexibility when comparing models
  • Highly specified comparisons
  • Streamlined maintenance tasks
  • Spatial detection functionality groups adjacent changes together

With the Facilities Management module you can

  • Perform routine Synergi Gas functions ( such as adding, deleting, modifying nodes or running hydraulic lyses) while using Facilities Management Module
  • Synchronize updates into a model
  • Evaluate the impact of recent GIS updates to your Synergi Gas model