Year in Review: Top 10 Energy in Transition blog posts from 2016
As we find ourselves at the beginning of 2017, we’d like to take a moment to look back at our most popular blog posts from the 2016, which included hot topics around energy efficiency, wind, solar, renewable integration, smart metering, and energy storage. Below are the top 10 posts from our Energy in Transition blog in 2016.
1. Energy production and use in the zombie apocalypse – Thomas Leonard
We at DNV are dedicated to supporting a resilient and sustainable energy future. We spend our time thinking about practical energy solutions in a range of potential future scenarios. This includes provision of independent energy supply to small off-grid communities, such as those who may be sheltering from the insatiable hunger of hordes of reanimated dead…READ MORE.
2. Answers to your energy storage questions: Batteries 101 – Davion Hill
A few weeks ago I presented on an energy storage controls webinar which examined the relationships between principles, practice and project risk; and with 850+ registered attendees, we were bound to get a few questions! After sifting through many of the unanswered questions from the Q&A session, I realized that there were a lot of similarities. Many of you wanted to know about the different types of batteries, how long they last, the impacts of battery size, and so on…READ MORE.
3. Saudi Vision 2030 and the Renewables Market – Mohammed Atif
Towards the end of April 2016, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia released its much anticipated Vision 2030 with high expectations on reform and transformative change. From a renewable energy perspective, there are only two paragraphs but the commitments are far-reaching…READ MORE.
4. Energy Storage Mandates – What They Mean for the Market – Davion Hill and Sudipta Lahiri
On Monday August 8th, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law an energy storage mandate, joining the ranks of California and Oregon. A storage mandate may have been a viable strategy for New York to achieve its RPS goal of 50% renewables by 2030; however, the New York Public Service Commission has indicated that it will not issue an energy storage mandate…READ MORE
5. Stop putting wind turbines on buildings! – Blake Herrschaft
A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle outlined why the new Public Utilities Commission headquarters at 525 Golden Gate Avenue isn’t quite as green as planned. The LEED Platinum building was “touted as the most energy-efficient building on the continent.” The building has some great features. For example, the natural ventilation design allows the building to operate without air conditioning on mild days, which are numerous in San Francisco…READ MORE.
6. The future of control systems in wind energy – Avishek Kumar
The control of wind turbines is not a new endeavor, nor is it niche. In fact, as early as 1990, over 70 published references were available on the various aspects of wind turbine control. Now, a little over 25 years later, you would be hard pressed to keep up with every development in the field…READ MORE.
7. Will small scale domestic energy storage change the electricity market as we know it? – Thomas Leonard
When it becomes possible to store large volumes of energy cheaply and efficiently, the electricity industry will become very different than it is today. The electricity system of a developed country, such as the UK, is a phenomenally sophisticated technical arrangement supported by a market mechanism for the real-time matching of energy supply to continuously changing consumer demand. Consumers pay a premium for almost total availability and reliability of electricity supply…READ MORE.
8. Smoothing the way for SCADA replacement projects – Ivo Kuijlaars
By listening to numerous companies in the energy industry, we’ve learnt there is one project they are reluctant to start: replacing their SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. Companies consider this one of their most arduous and time consuming projects. We want to significantly improve matters through a SCADA lifecycle management service. We believe such a service will take away the pain of SCADA system upgrades…READ MORE.
9. Increasing energy storage adoption calls for battery safety needs in New York – Davion Hill
Those two words have become ominous and loaded with implied meaning in recent years. The reasons are many, but they are linked to some basic human psychological factors and preconceptions. The first phenomenon is anchoring. When a human witnesses an event that is unexplained and an explanation is offered, that person anchors that explanation for all related future events, real or perceived…READ MORE.
10. Data, data, sensors, sensors, everywhere! – Sarah Moe
After attending back to back smart city conferences—VERGE (Where Technology Meets Sustainability) and Smart Cities Week (every smart technology under the sun)—I have to say that everyone recognizes the enormous potential to do good with Big Data and Sensors. But how do we tap into that potential…READ MORE.
We want to thank you for your readership in 2016, and look forward to sharing more of our insights and ideas with you this year! Please use the comments section below to share an opinion or suggest new topics for the upcoming year.
1/3/2017 9:00:00 AM