Mastering CO2 Fluid Compositions

Performance Evaluation and Guideline Development for Effective Sampling and Analysis - Joint Industry Project

DNV’s sustained commitment to the development of standards for safe and effective CO2 transportation, with a current focus on monitoring the quality of CO2.


With decarbonization ambitions moving forward, the transport of CO2 is becoming increasingly important to facilitate carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).  In addition to measuring the mass flows of CO2 streams (part of another DNV JIP program), it is equally crucial to ensure accurate and traceable monitoring of the quality of CO2.
Quality monitoring of CO2 streams serves various purposes in the development and operation of CCUS projects. Examples include process control and optimization at capture facilities, shipping and custody transfer, pipeline operation focusing on pipeline integrity, corrosion management, safety, and flow assurance, as well as optimizing operations in well and reservoir management.

For these reasons, DNV has launched a collaborative project (Joint Industry Project) aimed at addressing the challenges in CO2 quality monitoring.


The project aims to assess and develop guidelines for sampling and detection methods for impurities and trace components in CCS systems. The approach involves:

  • Understanding field conditions and industry standards, including CO2 specifications, sampling locations, current standards, and analysis techniques
  • Performance assessment of sampling and detection methods, including the development of reference systems and analysing their impact
  • Developing "Guidelines for CO2 quality monitoring," including specific procedures for different CO2 applications based on project testing results and estimating method uncertainties.

For those we would like to join, or would like to learn more about the details of the program, please contact Vincent Zwanenburg or Ronald ten Cate.

Contact us

Vincent Zwanenburg

Vincent Zwanenburg

Process Engineer Fuel and Flow Advisory

Ronald ten Cate

Ronald ten Cate

Business Lead Hydro(Carbon) Flow metering

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