Floating offshore wind substations

Joint industry project - Phase 2

DNV is looking for partners to launch phase 2 of the joint industry project (JIP) to enhance technology development for floating offshore substations.


Phase 1 of the JIP attracted 38 participating companies from many countries and across the value chain of floating substations.

Participants meeting at TSO Terna in Rome

The participants collaborated on gaps in standards and technology, analyzed feasible generic solutions and established a joint understanding of best practice and technical requirements. The initiative was followed up through regular digital and physical meetings throughout Phase 1 of the project. The findings from Phase 1 will during 2024 be used by DNV to include guidance for floating substations in the standard DNV-ST-0145 Offshore Substations. The standard is scheduled for hearing in Q3.


Objectives of Phase 2

The objectives of Phase 2 are to build on Phase 1 of the FOSS JIP and enable scaling of floating wind, with an acceptable level of risk, through suitable standards and guidelines for substations.

Scope of Phase 2

Floating Offshore Substation

Phase 2 will focus on the following areas:

  • Dynamic cables
    • Qualification plan for export cables
    • Interference for inter-array cables and export cables
    • Thermal ampacity for inter-array cables and export cables
  • HV equipment
    • Power spectrum
    • Relative movement and accelerations
    • External loading and fatigue properties
  • Marine operations
    • Review of DNV’s standard for Marine operations, DNV-ST-N001, and propose updates/clarifications for floating substations.
  • Marine systems
    • Review existing standards and identify gaps in safety, availability, and design requirements.


Substations are the heart of each offshore wind farm as they collect the electrical energy produced in wind turbines and convert the electricity for the transfer to consumers onshore via export cables. We see a huge interest from the industry to join our JIP. Over 50 participants from more than 20 companies spanning across the entire value chain for offshore wind joined DNV in a first workshop where the scope of work has been discussed.

We plan to carry out phase 2 of the JIP over a period of 1 year, starting in Q2/2024. A call for more interested partners is still open and we are looking forward to welcome more companies onboard to enhance technology development for floating offshore wind substations.

We see a huge interest to join Phase 2 of our JIP. If you are interested to participate or learn more, please contact us.

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