Enhancing safety and risk management: A closer look at the Phast™ and Safeti 9.0 updates

CFD dispersion modelling, new ignition models and dynamic pressure in exceedance curves are just some of the new and improved features available in the newly released Phast and Safeti 9.0.

Key features of the release that improve safety and risk management include:  

CFD dispersion modelling in Phast

Understanding the impact of flammable releases on the surroundings is important. We’ve introduced a CFD dispersion source scenario in Phast, powered by KFX™, our computational fluid dynamics tool for dispersion and fires. This enables more accurate atmospheric dispersion modelling for vapour, two-phase, and liquid flammable releases, which is essential for assessing the possible impact on people, buildings, or critical safety systems. It should be noted that the interaction of releases with three-dimensional (3D) geometry is only considered in the calculations performed in Phast if the user has an active licence for Phast CFD – dispersion extension.

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Enhancements in Phast CFD

We have improved Phast’s accuracy and performance through enhanced CFD capabilities. These include batch running and multi-processor support, ensuring more efficient computations when running CFD scenarios. 

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Points of Interest in Phast

The new ‘Points of Interest’ feature in Phast, similar to the Risk Ranking Points feature in Safeti, allows for the definition of specific critical locations for detailed consequence analysis. This feature requires an active Phast Explosions licence. 

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New ignition models in Safeti 

We've introduced several new ignition models in Safeti, based on guidelines from the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB). These models aim to enhance the accuracy of ignition probability predictions across various scenarios. 

Dynamic pressure in exceedance curves in Safeti

Users now have the capability to generate dynamic pressure exceedance curves, in addition to side-on overpressure and impulse exceedance curves at various risk ranking points. This new feature is essential when designing blast-resistant structures and assessing the risk to people and assets from overpressure effects.

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Library of representative hydrocarbon materials

We've added a new set of materials to provide users with additional representative hydrocarbon fuels that are easily accessible in the software. This feature is especially useful for those who may not have all the chemical and physical properties for certain materials. 

Updated Guidance Documents

In our commitment to supporting users working in the energy transition, we've revised our hydrogen and carbon dioxide guidance documents to reflect the updates introduced in the new version of Phast and Safeti. These documents are available in the Knowledge Centre's Help Library


In addition to these highlights, further features of Phast and Safeti 9.0 are detailed in the release notes. To help you make the most of these new features, we've also prepared a series of helpful how-to videos available in Knowledge Centre

Author: Trixie Pomares-Secillano - Digital Commerce and Technical Lead, DNV

1/17/2024 9:15:00 AM

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