DNV announces new project to create North America’s future hydrogen workforce

Joint industry project

DNV calls for members of the natural gas industry to join in a unique opportunity to create a comprehensive hydrogen workforce training and competency program.

Our Energy Insights report revealed that 52% of energy professionals expect their organization to invest in low-carbon hydrogen/ammonia. In fact, DNV forecasts that USD 6.8 trillion will be invested in hydrogen production through 2050, with an additional USD 180 billion allocated for hydrogen pipelines and USD 530 billion for the construction and operation of ammonia terminals. Much of this investment will come from natural gas companies.  

To unlock the full value of North America’s hydrogen opportunity, it is essential for the industry to coalesce around a common definition of what good hydrogen looks like. A critical part of this is delivering safe, reliable operations, which is dependent on the natural gas industry must have access to a large pool of skilled workers that can operate and maintain hydrogen infrastructure and systems. 

That is why DNV, Enbridge, and SoCalGas have initiated the hydrogen training pathway - a joint industry project (JIP) that aims to develop and deliver an in-depth hydrogen training and competency program for the natural gas industry.  


Defining a meaningful JIP for hydrogen workforce development. 

 The JIP is open to any member of the natural gas industry, and offers several benefits for the participants, such as: 

  • Minimizing the time and workload on individual companies to develop their own training content 
  • Working with JIP partners to leverage existing industry knowledge and expertise 
  • Receiving seats to online delivered courses and discounts for in-person delivery 

 The project will leverage the existing technical expertise and talent pool of the natural gas industry and cover the full hydrogen value chain, including production, storage, transmission, distribution, and end-use. The project will also build on the existing research, testing, and practical knowledge of the joint participants and the industry overall. The JIP is divided into three phases.  

The JIP is divided into three phases with the first phase completed in 2023, which consisted of DNV, collectively with industry partners, developing a targeted knowledge map covering all facets of the workforce. This included 8 work streams at varying levels (1-4) comprised of 45 specific courses/modules.   

Phase two will focus on the development of a comprehensive hydrogen training program, consisting of the following work streams: 

  • Stream 1: Hydrogen basics 
  • Stream 2: Hydrogen gas properties and hydraulics 
  • Stream 3: Hydrogen production and carriers 
  • Stream 4: End-use applications 
  • Stream 5: Storage 
  • Stream 6: Transportation, integrity, and risk 
  • Stream 7: Policy, regulations, and economics 
  • Stream 8: Practical 


 DNV JIP Hydrogen Training Pathway 2024_stages_image


For more details around the deliverables of each phase, please follow DNV Hydrogen Workforce Development JIP schedule 2024 link.  


In Phase 3, JIP partners bring resources and training pathways we have developed to target the wider industry and American workers through four delivery formats including: 

  • Online with live virtual instructor 
  • Online pre-recorded courses 
  • In person in a classroom with a live instructor 
  • In person in a field setting with a live instructor 


Join DNV and be at the forefront of driving the energy transition in the right way! 

DNV has a proven track record of leading joint industry projects that deliver results. Currently, we are leading five other JIPs that specifically target hydrogen. These collaborative efforts involve industry stakeholders and aim to drive innovation and best practices in hydrogen-related activities. Our experts are also leading the de-risking of hydrogen by developing  guidelines for the safe and efficient transportation of hydrogen through pipelines to address technical, safety, and regulatory aspects, as well as the DNV-SE-0657 service specification for the re-qualification of pipeline systems for transport of hydrogen and carbon dioxide. 

This is a unique opportunity to join a collaborative effort to create a comprehensive and standardized hydrogen training and competency program for the natural gas industry. By joining the project, you will not only enhance your own capabilities and readiness for hydrogen, but also contribute to the overall safety and performance of the industry. 

If you are interested in participating in this JIP, please contact Shane Finneran, Head of Section. DNV will distribute the prospectus and JIP contracts to the confirmed participants and set a date for the launch meeting. 

4/29/2024 5:00:00 AM

Contact us

Shane Finneran, P.E.

Shane Finneran, P.E.

Head of Section Hydrogen & Modelling Services

Jeffrey Lachey

Jeffrey Lachey

VP, Strategic Initiatives and Digitalization

Fueling the future: the hydrogen feasibility journey begins!



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