DNV is committed to respecting and upholding international human rights principles as laid out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. DNV's Statement on human rights outlines our approach and commitment.
These principles are ingrained in our values and Code of Conduct, directing our employees and those working for and with us to support and uphold fundamental human rights. DNV’s Supplier Code of Conduct and Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking include descriptions on measures regarding human rights and expectations towards suppliers. The Terms and Conditions that we offer customers reflect our human rights principles and expectations towards them.
In addition, DNV is acting in line with the Norwegian Transparency Act.
Our annual due diligence disclosure is published in our DNV’s 2023 Human Rights Due Diligence Report / Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurderinger etter Åpenhetsloven, describing DNV’s approach to managing human rights risks in our operations and supply chain.
Previous reports:
- Inaugural Human Rights Report per 30 June 2023 (pdf download)

Code of conduct
Our framework for ethical, responsible and sustainable behaviour.

Corporate Governance
Building trust in our services, skills and behaviour across the Group is a critical business goal and is clearly reflected in our vision to be ‘a trusted voice to tackle global transformations’.

Reporting of misconduct
We expect occurrences or suspicions of misconduct to be reported.