How we report

At DNV, we are fully committed to transparency and accountability in achieving our sustainability goals. Our sustainability report explains the relationship between our business and performance and our impacts on our employees, on society and the environment. Full reporting on all material issues can be found in the various sections on this website, and we present highlights in the Annual Report.  

Our reporting is based on the Global Reporting Initiative framework, and is linked to performance on the UN Global Compact principles. To ensure a high-quality report, we seek to apply the GRI reporting principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, of contextualising the information both in relation to the broader sustainability debate as well as in relation to the nature of our business, to focus on our significant impacts and to provide complete information in terms of both the topics and the part of the organisation the report covers. We commit to reporting openly on both opportunities and challenges we face, to provide clear information in a comparable manner to ensure that changes in our performance can be monitored over time, and to report as accurately and reliably as possible.   


Ownership of reporting in DNV is allocated at the highest level in the organisation. Reporting responsibility is divided between the Chief Financial Officer (for legal, compliance and economic issues), the Chief Human Resources Officer (for employee issues, and HSE) and the Chief Communications Officer.